長矛投擲 游戏简介:
The spear is a throwing, piercing or piercing-chopping polearm weapon.
With the help of a spear, a warrior will be able to effectively counter a lot of enemies.
Control the Stickman to throw spears at other stickmans. You will be confronted by many enemies: archers, javelin throwers, armored swordsmen and even magicians.
Simply drag and drop your finger for targeting and throwing.
The power of throwing a spear is always the same, So you only need to aim and specify the direction of the throw.
Enemies die from one hit of a spear in the head and body or from two hits of the spear in The legs.
In the game there is a store with helmets, several defensive skills and an apple for healing.
Write in the comments of your impressions of the Spearman game.
Have a good game!
長矛投擲 MOD APK - 無限資源特性簡介:
長矛投擲遊戲中存在的金幣、鑽石、紅包這類非常有限的資源,你必須通過正常的手段來獲得這些資源以便更加順利的進行遊戲。然而遊戲中的種種設定加大金幣、鑽石、紅包這類資源的獲取難度,岌岌可危的資源存量與微乎其微的資源獲取速度會讓你發狂。MOD APK版本的長矛投擲有效解決了這個問題,一輩子的花不完的金幣鑽石讓你再遊戲中想買什麼就能買什麼!
長矛投擲 中將會要求玩家使用遊戲內的虛擬貨幣來兌換想要的遊戲內容,而獲得這些虛擬貨幣往往需要付費、觀看廣告或者投入巨大的時間與精力。有的時候資源總是要自己一點點去湊的話可太麻煩了,無限資源版本可以免費獲得任何資源,讓你直接體驗什麼是上帝模式。
長矛投擲 MOD APK 說明: