Pocket Frogs 游戏简介:
Create a unique frog terrarium outside this world in this relaxing game from Nimblebit.
discover and collect all frogs, breed and trade them, catch flies and customize their habitats to have the happiest bunch in the pond.
You can also play with them in a series of minigames! Watch them grow on their tiny lily pads into unique and special little froggers with beautiful colors and patterns.
Breed a diverse and unique collection of frogs
When you discover different frog species on your adventure, combine them to breed new types, And create frog collections from the new species with a beautiful array of colors.
Customize and decorate frogs habitats
Each of your frogs and their living environments is customizable to your preference. Various rocks, leaves, backgrounds or habitats are there for you to express yourself.
Trade with your friends
Discover and trade the rare species of frogs around different habitats and environments. Small, big, colorful or plain white or black, Pocket Frogs has them all.
Play fun and entertaining minigames with your frogs
Sometimes you need to take your frogs for an outdoor adventure! Catch flies, jump on lily pads or sign up for a race with other frogs. Mini Games are to entertain you as well as your frogger fellas.
Explore the pond to find rewards and rare frogs!
If you look close enough, you could find a keeper. Thousands of rare and exotic frogs are waiting to be tamed and kept by only the best frog enthusiasts out there!
Visit your friend's terrariums
get inspired by their creativity! Or try to create the most beautiful terrarium on your own and show it to others.
Pocket Frogs MOD APK - 去除廣告特性簡介:
Pocket Frogs MOD APK 作用:
Pocket Frogs 提供了高度自由的遊戲玩法,其劇情質量極高,是壹款經典的模擬生存遊戲。在這種遊戲中,玩家必須通過不斷探索來生存,不管身處何地,都需要竭盡全力尋找食物和必需物品,這使得遊戲變得緊張刺激,讓玩家體驗到真正的原汁原味遊戲體驗。遊戲世界也讓玩家可以盡情探索,尋找資源和建立庇護所。
另壹方面,Pocket Frogs 采用全真模擬真實情境效果,提供視覺上的極高代入感,使玩家能夠自由經營公司、投資股市,與其他玩家展開商業競爭。在遊戲中,妳需要巧妙地經營不同的店鋪,合理規劃店鋪位置,利用招聘的員工,最大化地創造利潤。這需要妳的智慧和決策力。模擬經營遊戲是壹種輕松而簡單的娛樂方式,爲妳帶來真實而有趣的遊戲體驗。
無論是生存還是經營,Pocket Frogs 讓妳可以在虛擬世界中盡情體驗各種情境和挑戰,同時MOD APK版本也提供了更多樂趣和便利,讓妳更好地探索和發展自己的帝國。