My Fishing World 游戏简介:
- Realistic locations with lively graphics
- Well-designed visual effects
- Change of time of day and weather conditions
- Intuitive game interface
- Thoughtful gameplay will not let you get bored
- Online chat for communication with fishermen
- A huge selection of fishing tackle of different types And purposes
- The most beautiful places around the world are available for you
- A large number of freshwater and tropical fish
- You can catch rare and very valuable monsters.
- A variety of types of tasks for bonuses (daily, collections, epic)
- An album to store all your trophies and view detailed information about where, when and what he was caught
- Real information about all the fish in the game
- Leaderboard to fight for first places in the tops
- You can play without the Internet
My Fishing World MOD APK - 解鎖高級版特性簡介:
My Fishing World MOD APK 使用指南:
My Fishing World是壹款冒險遊戲。冒險遊戲集中于探索未知、解決謎題等情節化和探索性的互動,冒險遊戲還強調故事線索的發掘,主要考驗玩家的觀察力和分析能力。在面對所有的冒險挑戰時,妳所需要做的就是快速的讓自己實力提升。經曆戰鬥可以獲得壹定的成長,當自己的能力變強時,能夠在遊戲中體驗的內容會變多,參與的戰鬥也會更加精彩。培養自己的角色讓自己的人物擁有更強大的戰力,可以隨心的探索這片異域,完成更多高難度的冒險。冒險的旅途中會有許多阻礙我們前進的敵人出現,將這些敵人擊敗可以獲得豐厚的獎勵,利用這些獎勵提升自己。
My Fishing World各種地圖正在等待您的輕松體驗,各種不同新奇玩法能爲妳展現更多樂趣,享受這場冒險的快樂。