Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器 游戏简介:
Going Deeper! - is a single player construction and management simulator game which is done in a fantasy setting. The player will have to equip and defend a human colony in a hostile territory rich in resources.
The game world consists of 6 layers: surface and five underground layers. The layers are connected by 2x2 tunnels, the deeper the next layer, the more resources are required to build the tunnel. Caves are rich in various resources, however, going deeper and deeper, you will expose yourself to more and more danger.
The game starts by collecting equipment for the expedition. This is a very important stage, as it is the resources initially chosen that determine your tactics and strategy. At first, 5 people will work in the colony. However, under your careful guidance, you will be able to increase the wealth of the colony and make it a desirable place for migrants.
Every unit in the game is a personality, with its own needs and abilities that you will have to reckon with if you want to build a thriving colony. Not every unit can become a skilled warrior or an experienced engineer. Carefully study the preferences of each unit and you will find success.
Please note that your colony is surrounded by enemies - goblins. Therefore, do not hesitate to organize the army and combat squads. You will need to timely supply your army with increasingly powerful armor and weapons if you want to win!
Your colony is not isolated from the rest of the world. A merchant will visit you every 2 years. Some of the products that he offers you will be unique and not available in any other way. Consider this when you trade!
The player is offered a choice of 3 modes with different rules
- Campaign (complete the mission to win)
- Survival (hold out as long as possible)
- Sandbox (customize the world and play however you want)
The game version may be unstable at the moment. The developer is trying his best to fix all the bugs in the game and is working on updates.
Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器 MOD APK - 解鎖關卡修改特性:
Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器的解鎖關卡版本給了玩家一個極具自由度的遊戲體驗,讓你能夠暢玩遊戲中的任何一個關卡,而不必受到順序或限制的束縛。這一版本讓遊戲的內容和數量變得更加豐富多樣,為玩家提供了更多挑戰和娛樂。
在Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器中,玩家將會面對各種各樣的關卡挑戰,這些關卡設計精彩,充滿驚喜。而有了解鎖關卡的特性,你可以隨心所欲地選擇要挑戰的關卡,而不必依循遊戲的預設順序。這種自由度讓遊戲體驗更具個性化,讓你能夠按照自己的節奏來挑戰關卡。
總之,Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器的解鎖關卡版本為玩家提供了極具吸引力的遊戲體驗,帶來了更多的自由度和娛樂,讓你可以自由挑選挑戰哪個關卡,避免浪費時間在低等級或無趣的關卡上。如果你追求多樣性和挑戰性的遊戲體驗,不妨一試解鎖關卡版本,享受無盡的遊戲樂趣。
Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器 MOD APK 使用指南:
Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器 Mod Apk版本將讓妳更暢快的戰鬥,更好的與敵人周旋,能夠讓妳輕松探索遊戲世界,體驗冒險的快感。妳不再需要重複嘗試挑戰或者花大量時間強化自己的角色以及提升操作技巧來戰勝敵人了,妳將隨心所欲的暢玩,冒險過程將變得非常簡單。
Going Deeper! : 殖民地建築模擬器 是壹款冒險遊戲,如果妳還在爲實力不夠無法往前探索而煩惱,那麽趕快下載Mod版本來好好享受這款遊戲吧!