You can dress up the girl in any way you want! Including her skin, clothing, background, etc. Imagine that you are a photographer, give your model the perfect look, and take a beautiful artistic photo! In our game, we have prepared Multiple selection of items for you to dress up your model! From head to toe, bags to jewelry, you can MIX Everything as you like, and you can also wear different Themed Suits that we have prepared for you, such as the witch of the Magic Academy, the Snow Queen and Princess Rose!
After dress up your girl, You can take a picture of her beautiful dress and send it on My Twiiiitter to get Thumbs up! The Thumbs up can be accumulated and you can use it to buy some of items you want for free!
Choose a set of exquisite suits on the dancing floor, then choose a set of dance steps, tap the screen, let her shine in the center of the dancing floor! Remember that the Thumbs up gained by dancing can also be used to purchase items!
【Game Features】
? Any combination of hairstyles, thousands of clothes, etc.
? Different theme suits realize your various dreams!
? Dancing function, Social Media function!
? HD picture quality, exquisite special effects, and realistic gaming experience!
Download the game NOW, and immediately become to the heroine!
Fashion Princess MOD APK - 內購破解特性簡介:
Fashion Princess MOD APK 作用:
Fashion Princess 是壹款角色扮演類遊戲。這類遊戲因其內容豐富、劇情豐滿、玩法獨特,受到了廣大玩家的喜愛。它可以讓玩家體驗宏偉的故事情節,還可以打怪升級,讓玩家在遊戲中獲得極高的成就感。角色扮演類遊戲是遊戲行業內最古老的類型之壹,也是最經久不衰的類型之壹。
Fashion Princess 的各種精致的畫面效果和互動玩法讓妳身臨其境,體驗角色扮演的遊戲感。它擁有非常完整的故事情節,其中人物感情細膩、情節動人、人物形象立繪更精致。遊戲具有高自由度,讓玩家在開放的地圖中探索和體驗劇情,非常耐玩,因此受到很多玩家的喜愛。玩家直接成爲主角,在遊戲世界中體驗生活,喜歡的朋友不妨來體驗看看吧!