Blush Blush 游戏简介:
Blush Blush is a Dating Game tossed with an Idle Game. It features a light hearted story where the player must rescue a series of fun and attractive anime-boys, who have all been cursed with a dark spell. A curse that can only be broken with the power of love, naturally.
The gameplay is easy! The player must choose how they spend their time wisely, by working various jobs, earning stat points, and arranging dates and gifts for their love interests. A mix of strategy and story, the player will gradually become an accomplished dater, and have the chance to woo a TON of hawt guys with more planned for the future.
Blush Blush MOD APK - 無限資源特性簡介:
MOD APK的无限资源意味着你将拥有无穷无尽的钻石和金币(游戏货币、资源),你可以在Blush Blush 商店内、升级、建设、培养等环节中无条件无限制地使用消耗品,从而免费快速解锁道具、皮肤、武器、技能、角色等内容。 无限资源将一站式地帮助你无限强化游戏过程,更快通过关卡;几乎无敌的角色实力;任何个性化内容的完整体验。
Blush Blush 游戏中存在着大量需要消耗游戏内资源获取的内容,获得这些资源才能顺利进行下一步,这将需要消耗大量的时间和精力。无限资源意味着你将不再需要为了解锁这些资源而被迫进行重复的游戏过程、繁琐的体验以及难以忍受的疲劳感。无限资源将彻底释放你的双手,尽情地享受游戏情节和华丽的战斗体验吧!
Blush Blush MOD APK 作用:
Blush Blush Mod Apk版本將讓妳更爽快的戰鬥,更好的與敵人周旋,能夠讓妳更加快速的通關。妳不再需要重複嘗試挑戰或者花大量時間強化自己的角色以及提升操作技巧來戰勝敵人了,各種Mod將幫助妳更好的定制妳想要的遊戲難度,妳將隨心所欲的暢玩,戰鬥過程將變得異常簡單。
Blush Blush 是壹款角色扮演類遊戲,妳需要利用角色的技能以及主角的成長來與敵人戰鬥,如果妳還在爲無法擊敗對手而煩惱,那麽趕快下載Mod版本來好好享受這款遊戲吧!