Armor Age: Tank Games. RTS War Machines Battle 游戏简介:
Armor Age - WW2 tank games: real-time tank wars with tactical pause mode. A pioneer among WW2 strategy games set in the world of 20th-century tank battles.
Take command of a squad of armored war machines and lead it through a whole row of battle operations! Command a squad of several vehicles and storm the enemy positions.
This war strategy game introduces 2 player modes:
Story campaign: a single-player campaign with several missions in real-time strategy games mode. Complete them all to hone your tactical tank war skills.
Survival Mode: online PvP tank war games with players all over the world.
Level up your tanks and their crews and get blueprints for new vehicles of WW2 games. Assemble your own squad of armored tanks with a variety of stats.
Choose up to five armored tanks for your squad from a large number of real-world combat vehicles, each having its own war strategy on the battlefield!
Your personal hangar can fit a squad suitable for any tactical and playing style for WW2 games. Challenge other players to PvP battles to try out your tactical ideas and shine as a commander.
Command a squad of up to 5 tanks in RTS games mode
Story campaign and PvP battles with players all over the world
Realistic tank wars combined with straightforward controls
Historically accurate tanks from different countries
A variety of strategy war games and objectives
Armor Age: Tank Games. RTS War Machines Battle MOD APK - 去除廣告特性簡介:
Armor Age: Tank Games. RTS War Machines Battle MOD APK 作用:
Armor Age: Tank Games. RTS War Machines Battle是一款策略類遊戲。想要獲得一場戰鬥的勝利並不是一件容易的事情,在策略遊戲的系統中,戰場的變化總是猝不及防,也許此刻的你正處於優勢,說不定就因為一次指令的失誤就會讓你萬劫不復走向失敗!因此,我們需要縱觀全局,更加有智慧的調兵遣將,才能夠贏得戰場的主動獲取最終的戰爭勝利!
Armor Age: Tank Games. RTS War Machines Battle策略類遊戲都需要玩家絞盡腦汁才能贏得遊戲勝利,大多數策略類遊戲也相當硬核,入門門檻頗高。喜歡思考的玩家不妨來遊戲中體驗下運籌於帷幄之中的快感吧。