Pre Master Description:
"Pre Master" is an intriguing game that endeavors to blend the worlds of "underground gangs" and "traditional martial arts." The central narrative unfolds in a collection of quaint fishing villages in the south, which evolved into the relatively stable coastal town of K-city after the tumultuous "Dragon's Head War." Martial arts master Hu Zhen, spurred by a mysterious letter, embarks on a journey to K-city to unveil the whereabouts of his long-lost brother, Hu Jia, who, unbeknownst to him, is actively involved in K-city. Players assume the role of martial arts master Hu Zhen, engaging in apprenticeship and education within K-city while simultaneously tracing the trajectory of his younger brother, ultimately unraveling a vast conspiracy concealed beneath K-city and fulfilling a personal mission.
Attribute Cultivation: Utilize a standard RPG game attribute system for character development.
Fighting System: Engage in a kicking system with six martial arts schools and various challenge modes to test your combat skills.
Apprentice System: Players can recruit and train apprentices, taking them on duels or tournaments as their level progresses.
Task System: Immerse yourself in a plot-rich task system that unfolds routine yet compelling storylines, featuring twists, turns, and small climaxes.
Moves and Weapon Systems: Choose from nearly 50 martial arts moves to combine at will. Explore an array of weapons, including knives, sticks, swords, daggers, and more.
"Pre Master" promises a rich gaming experience by integrating martial arts, a captivating narrative, and various gameplay elements. Players will navigate through a coastal town with hidden secrets, uncovering a conspiracy while mastering the art of traditional martial arts.
Pre Master MOD APK - MOD Speed Hack features detailed description:
Variable speed version of the game that speeds up or slows down the speed of the game. This kind of version usually adds an option to control the game speed inside the game, and players can choose the game running speed according to their needs.
The accelerated version of the game allows players to pass the game quickly, saving time and increasing efficiency. Accelerated versions usually add some extra challenges to the game, such as time limits, to increase the difficulty of the game.
Decelerated versions allow players to better control the pace of the game, take their time to experience the game's details and graphics, and enjoy the atmosphere of the game.
It should be noted that the variable speed version of the game may affect the balance and experience of the game, for example, the accelerated version of the game may cause the game difficulty to become too low, while the reduced speed version of the game may cause the game pace to be too slow and players may feel bored. Therefore, players need to consider carefully when choosing the variable speed version of the game and choose according to their preferences and needs.
Pre Master MOD APK Advantages:
Pre Master is a role-playing game, often referred to as an RPG. In Pre Master, players take on the role of a character in a realistic or fictional world. The game features stunning visuals and an engaging storyline, requiring players to help their characters grow and survive.
In Pre Master, players can train their characters to have stronger attributes and skills while experiencing the game's narrative. With the support of MOD APK, additional attributes can be obtained, enhancing the gameplay experience in the game world. This results in a more outstanding and enjoyable experience.